Type of Activities


Type A:

Non-credit bearing non-local physical experiential learning activities

  • Students who are studying the UGC-funded undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU, with a cumulative GPA of 2.33 or above.
  • Students who will graduate before the experience taking place are NOT eligible.
  • Students can submit only one application at a time.
  • Priority will be given to the first application of Individual/Group and without other funding support.

Type B:

Non-local physical experiential learning activities for the course SOSC3006 / GCAP3146 Global Outreach

  • Students who are studying the UGC-funded undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU, with a cumulative GPA of 2.33 or above.
  • Students enrolled in SOSC3006 / GCAP3146 Global Outreach and completed the non-local physical experiential learning activities of the course.
  • Students can submit only one application at a time.

Type C:

Non-local virtual experiential learning activities for the course SOSC3006 / GCAP3146 Global Outreach

  • Students who are studying the UGC-funded undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU, with a cumulative GPA of 2.33 or above.
  • Students enrolled in SOSC3006 / GCAP3146 Global Outreach and completed the non-local virtual experiential learning activities of the course.
  • Students can submit only one application at a time.

Students should read the relevant parts of the Guidelines based on their application type and complete the respective application form with required supporting documents. 

Type A Applications
  • Individual Approved Grant: 50 - 70% of the estimated cost with a maximum funding of HK$4,000

  • Group Approved Grant (2 students): 50 - 70% of the estimated cost with a maximum funding of HK$8,000

  • Group Approved Grant (3-5 students): 50 - 70% of the estimated cost with a maximum funding of HK$12,000


Type B Applications
  • Individual Approved Grant: 50 - 70% of the actual expenses with a maximum funding of HK$2,000


Type C Applications
  • Individual Approved Grant: 50 - 70% of the actual expenses with a maximum funding of HK$1,000



Please refer to the Guidelines (Type A / Type B / Type C) for more details. 

  • Travelling

  • Accommodation

  • Registration fees


Normally the following items are NOT considered for funding:

  • Food or beverages and souvenirs

  • Equipment (e.g. computers, software, furniture, books, audio-visual equipment)

  • Payment for guest speakers, volunteers or research participants

  • Medical or legal costs for the experience (e.g. vaccinations, passports, travel insurance)

  • Others (museum tickets, workshops, rental of costumes, day trips, etc.)

Applicants should read the tips and submit the followings to the Faculty Office by the deadline:

  • A completed Application Form – Type A (Sections A, B, C & D)

  • Proposed expenses with quotations clearly tabulated (For Section B9 of the application form, proposed expenses without supporting documents / quotations will NOT be considered)

  • Supporting documents with the activity details or any other relevant supporting documents (Information given via a link will NOT be accepted)


*Applicants can apply for the Student Experiential Learning Grant (SELG) in advance if their activities are not yet confirmed by the application deadline but will take place within the eligible period. Any changes to proposed activities must be reported if the Grant application is approved. Students must keep original invoices, receipts, and online payment statements for expense reimbursement to avoid any impact on the Grant amount.



Upon submission of the application, the applicant affirms having read and comprehended the "Privacy Policy Statement" and "Personal Information Collection Statement" (PPS/PICS) provided by the University. The applicant grants authorization to the Faculty Office to utilize the information/data gathered for the SELG and associated purposes. This information will be shared with the Faculty and other relevant University entities for review and handling.

Students have the responsibility to keep the required original boarding passes / train tickets, invoices / receipts / payment proof in advance for the Grant application. Expenses without supporting documents will NOT be considered. Hardcopies may be required upon request.

Retrospective / incomplete / late application will NOT be entertained.

Applicants must provide an English translation for supporting documents that are not in English.

Individual / group applications submitted with the same activity proposal stated in Section B (1-9) of the Application Form will NOT be approved.

The applicant / group leader must state clearly whether the proposed activity has received or is in the process of soliciting other source(s) of funding in Section B (10-11) of the Application Form.

Applicants should read the tips and submit the followings to the Faculty Office by the deadline:

  • A completed Application Form – Type B (Sections A, B & C)

  • Actual expenses supported by original invoices / receipts / payment proof clearly tabulated (For Section B8 of the application form,  expenses without supporting documents / proof will NOT be considered)

  • Proof of activity attendance /completion

  • Original invoices / receipts / payment proof / boarding passes / train tickets


  • The eligible period is counted based on the end date of the activity(ies) stated in the verified certificate/ letter.

  • Students have the responsibility to keep the required original boarding passes / train tickets, invoices / receipts / payment proof in advance for the Grant application. Expenses without supporting documents will NOT be considered. Hardcopies may be required upon request.

  • Upon submission of the application, the applicant affirms having read and comprehended the "Privacy Policy Statement" and "Personal Information Collection Statement" (PPS/PICS) provided by the University. The applicant grants authorization to the Faculty Office to utilize the information/data gathered for the SELG and associated purposes. This information will be shared with the Faculty and other relevant University entities for review and handling.

  • Incomplete/ late application for the Grant will NOT be entertained.

  • Students can only apply and are eligible for the Grant (Type B) once.

  • The information is for reference only. The actual arrangement will be based on the official announcement during the relevant period. The provision of the Student Experiential Learning Grant (Type B) is subject to the availability of funding. The Faculty reserves the right to cancel the provision of the Grant (Type B) in future.

  • Applicants must provide an English translation for supporting documents that are not in English.

  • If applicants participated in the non-local experiential learning activity for SOSC3006/GCAP3146 Global Outreach in a group, students should still submit the application for the Grant (Type B) individually.

  • The applicant must state clearly whether the proposed activity has received or is in the process of soliciting other source(s) of funding in Section B9 of the Application Form.

Applicants should read the tips and submit the followings to the Faculty Office by the deadline:

  • A completed Application Form – Type C (Sections A, B & C)

  • Actual expenses supported by original invoices / receipts / payment proof clearly tabulated (For Section B8 of the application form. Expenses written without supporting documents / proof will NOT be considered)

  • Proof of activity attendance /completion


  • The eligible period is counted based on the end date of the activity(ies) stated in the verified certificate/ letter.

  • Students have the responsibility to keep the required original invoices / receipts / payment proof in advance for the Grant application. Expenses without supporting documents will NOT be considered. Hardcopies may be required upon request.

  • Upon submission of the application, the applicant affirms having read and comprehended the "Privacy Policy Statement" and "Personal Information Collection Statement" (PPS/PICS) provided by the University. The applicant grants authorization to the Faculty Office to utilize the information/data gathered for the SELG and associated purposes. This information will be shared with the Faculty and other relevant University entities for review and handling.

  • Incomplete/ late application for the Grant will NOT be entertained.

  • Students can only apply and are eligible for the Grant (Type C) once.

  • The information is for reference only. The actual arrangement will be based on the official announcement during the relevant period. The provision of the Student Experiential Learning Grant (Type C) is subject to the availability of funding. The Faculty reserves the right to cancel the provision of the Grant (Type C) in future.

  • Applicants must provide an English translation for supporting documents that are not in English.

If applicants participated in the non-local experiential learning activity for SOSC3006/GCAP3146 Global Outreach in a group, students should still submit the application for the Grant (Type C) individually.

The applicant must state clearly whether the proposed activity has received or is in the process of soliciting other source(s) of funding in Section B9 of the Application Form.


Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

Tel : (852) 3411 5943

Office: AAB 1325, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, HKBU

Opening Hours: 09:30-13:00 and 14:00-17:30, Monday to Friday (Except Public Holidays)


SELG is sponsored by the UGC Funding Scheme for Enhancing Internationalisation and Student Learning Experience in the 2022-25 Triennium.

(Last updated: August 2024)

Approval of Grant

Each application will be evaluated by the Faculty members of the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee (FLTC) based on the following items as well as overall quality. 

(a) Provide a complete description of the planned activity

(b) Describe the benefit of the activity on your global outlook, and/or academic development, and/or personal development, and/or professional development, and/or other areas

(c) Describe your action plans to achieve your learning objectives (feasibility and ability to undertake the activity will be considered)

(d) Provide a detailed budget proposal (actual breakdown with official receipts after completion)


  1. Applicants may be invited for interview.

  2. The grant approval criteria are subject to annual review.

  3. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences reserves the final rights for applications approval and the final decisions of the amount of support to be allocated according to the availability of funds.