
One Semester Off-Campus (OSOC) is a strategy in whole-person development by encouraging the undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences to opt for the off-campus experiential learning experience according to their interests and study plans for at least one semester during their university life.

OSOC aims to provide relevant information for students and encourage them to develop their talent and competency, and to gain further exposure through different off-campus or outside classroom learning opportunities, such as exchange, internship and community studies programmes. Apart from the well-developed experiential learning courses offered in some study programmes under the Faculty of Social Sciences, plenty of non-curriculum-related off-campus learning activities are organised by different organisations.

One Semester Off-Campus Programme One Semester Off-Campus Programme
Why is Off-Campus Learning Important?

Enrich Your Learning Experience

  • Out-reaching with off-campus or out-of-classroom exposure

  • Skill-equipped academically and practically

  • Open-minded attitude and development of international relationships

  • Be a Cosmopolitan citizen through whole-person development
Learning Outcomes

OSOC is expected to further nurture students as a whole person with seven important HKBU Graduate Attributes through first-hand off-campus practical experience.


Be responsible citizens with an international outlook and a sense of ethics and civility



Have up-to-date, in-depth knowledge of an academic specialty, as well as a broad range of cultural and general knowledge


Be independent, lifelong learners with an open mind and an inquiring spirit



Have the necessary information literacy and IT skills, as well as numerical and problem-solving skills, to function effectively in work and everyday life


Be able to think critically and creatively



Have trilingual and biliterate competence in English and Chinese, and the ability to articulate ideas clearly and coherently


Be ready to serve, lead and work in a team, and to pursue a healthy lifestyle


What is Off-Campus Learning about?

Office of Off-Campus Learning
Tel:(852) 3411 8095
Fax:(852) 3411 8094
Address:AAB1319, 13/F, Academic and Administration Building, Baptist University Road Campus, HKBU
Office Hours:Monday-Friday: 09:30-13:00 and 14:00-17:30